
Payette County Fair
310 East Blvd.
New Plymouth, Idaho

Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday
9 a.m. - Noon or By Appointment

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 234
New Plymouth, ID 83655
(208) 278-5000 Office
(208) 278-5295 Fax


Tuesday, October 22, 2024  Login 

Open Class Exhibit Rules and Regulations

Open exhibits drop off on Tuesday Aug. 6 Only from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

You must register  your exhibits on line at  On Line registration will close Aug. 5 @ 9 pm

GENERAL RULES (Open Classes, other than livestock)
1. Check-in - Tuesday, Aug. 6 from  9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
2. Exhibitor must supply full name, address and phone number when signing in exhibits. Premium money will be forfeited if information is not complete or accurate. Exhibits will be individually tagged with the stub being retained by the exhibitor. Use this stub to claim exhibits during check-out.
3. Entries close Mon. Aug 5 @ 9 PM at which time the exhibits will be arranged for judging on Wed Aug 7 from 9 am to 1 pm.  Buildings will open again at 1 p.m.
4. Check-out - Sunday, Aug. 11, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Exhibitor must show tags to claim articles. Premium monies and/or ribbons may be picked up at check-out time. Premiums are paid according to signed records from the department chairmen. If the exhibitor cannot be at this checkout, they must send a written note of permission and stubs with the person claiming exhibits. If you miss the check-out time, you must contact the Fair Secretary, Cathy Myers, (208) 278-5000. All items must be claimed by Sept. 1 or they become the property of the Payette County Fair and will be discarded.
5. Exhibit buildings are open daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. with the exception of Wednesday when judging is taking place. The buildings will be open Wednesday at 1 p.m.
6. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor.
7. Exhibits may be entered in only one category.
8. During the judging on Wednesday afternoon, only those persons authorized by the department chairman will be allowed in the buildings.
9. If an exhibit is placed in the wrong category, the fair will make an effort to correct the mistake, providing it is discovered before the awards are made.
10. Open class exhibits are open to the world, unless otherwise specified. Division chairmen are authorized to accept entries not listed in the premium book if they judge the entry to be worthy.
11. The Payette County Fair Board reserves the right to refuse any entry or concession of an objectionable or inferior nature.
12. When there is but one entry in any class, the award shall be made on merit alone. The opinion of the judge(s) shall be final in all classes.
13. Exhibitors shall be limited to one premium in each category, unless otherwise stated in the premium book.
14. All exhibits must remain in place until check-out time on Sunday. Exhibits removed earlier, through special permission, forfeit any and all premium monies.
15. Premiums will be paid only on signed records returned to the Fair Office by the chairman of each division. Any exhibitor showing disrespect to any award, or to any judge, forfeits all awards.
16. Premiums for Divisions A - K, FFA & 4-H exhibits will be paid in cash when the exhibits are picked up. Divisions L (Dairy) will be mailed to the exhibitor. Exhibits and/or checks left at the Fair Office can be claimed by contacting the Fair Secretary.
17. All concessions and special exhibits must obtain permission from the Fair Secretary, and occupy such areas or booths as may be assigned to them.

18. No electrical refrigerators or freezers allowed in the barns or booths other than registered vendors.

19.  Alcohol is only permitted in the Rodeo Grounds Beer Garden and is not allowed North of the parking lots.  Anyone found with alcohol in an unauthorized area will be asked to leave.

20. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the fair grounds.

21.  No use of 4-wheelers/UTVs/AtVs on fair grounds.  

22.  No Dogs Allowed on Fair Grounds except Service Dogs and/or those to be exhibited.  


1.         Check-in  Tuesday, Aug. 6 at designated time unless special arrangements have been made with the livestock superintendent.
2.         Entry forms for open dairy show will be mailed to exhibitors of last year’s show or may be   requested from the Fair Secretary. Closing date for entries is Wednesday, Aug. 7,
3.         Entry fee is $2.00 per head, payable at entry time.
4.         Check-out time for all species is after 9:00 am Sunday Aug. 11. No exceptions

5.         Premium monies will be   mailed to exhibitors.
6.         Check health requirements.
7.         Only pure bred animals may be shown in the open classes. Registration papers must be in the Fair Office by Wednesday noon.

8.         4-H/FFA animals entered in the open dairy show must be exhibited/shown by the 4-H/FFA member.

                              4-H Building Schedule:

     1.  August 3 & 4- Building open for Club Table 8:00 - 8:00 pm.  Decorations - this is the only time to set up your table decorations. Aug. 9 the building is closed.

      2.  August 6th - noon am to 5:30 pm Check in all clothing, miscellaneous and cloverbud exhibits.

      3.  August 7th - Building closed all day for Judging.  Opens at 1:00 pm

      4.  If you require your club members to figue the average daily gain for your market livestock projects, they won't be able to access their books until after 5:00 pm on Wed. night.

      5.  August 11th -9:00 am to noon - Please dismantle your club displays early in the day if possible.  Put your tables in the back closet, take apart your PVC frame and neatly put in the white barrell in the closet.


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